

24_etfa24_Padua_730x35010.-13. September 2024 | Padova, Italy

ETFA 2024 - 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation   Symbol für externen link - Kostenlose schnittstelle Icons

Technical Track 9 - Complex Automation Systems and Systems Engineering - Call for Paper

The track is focused on the system level design of complex technical systems, such as industrial Cyber Physical (Production) Systems, covering the complete system life cycle emphasizing the impact of all life cycle phases on control system design, implementation, and use. It focusses on the multi-disciplinary and multi-model nature of the related engineering tasks.

Track Chairs

  • Arndt Lueder | Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
  • Christian Neureiter | FH Salzburg, Austria



24_apms24_zwickau_730x3508.-12. September 2024 | Chemnitz/Zwickau

APMS Conference 2024 - Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous Environments  (APMS 24) Symbol für externen link - Kostenlose schnittstelle Icons

Special Session: Hybrid Intelligence – Decision-Making for AI-Enabled Industry 5.0

In recent years, research on Production Planning and Control (PPC) has seen a myriad of machine learning-enabled algorithms for specific sub-tasks of PPC being introduced, often attempting to address volatile, uncertain and complex environments. However, their integration into human-centred decision-making in the context of Industry 5.0 is oftentimes not considered. This special session considers all approaches to productive teaming, i.e. the combination of AI-enabled and human decision-making. To maximize synergies between humans and machines in a complex environment, we are also interested in autonomy, distributed control and efforts to exploit the potential of cyber-physical systems and digital twins.


  • Oliver Antons | Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
  • Julia C. Arlinghaus |  Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany



23_header incom24_730x35028.-30. August 2024 | Wien / Österreich

18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing  (INCOM 24) Symbol für externen link - Kostenlose schnittstelle Icons

Open Invited Track on Complexity in Control @ Incom 2024

Julia Arlinghaus, Oliver Antons, Leonardo Galteri and Melanie Kessler organize an Open Invited Track on Complexity in Control of Circular Supply Chains and Distributed Production at next years IFAC Incom 2024 conference in Vienna. 



24_isaga24_Christchurch_730x3508.-12. Juli 2024  | Christchurch Neuseeland

International Simulation and Gaming Association’s Conference (ISAGA 24)  Symbol für externen link - Kostenlose schnittstelle Icons

Co-Chair Organizing Committee: Maria Freese

Accepted Paper/Workshop: 

  • Freese, M., Zürn, B., & Wittenzellner, H. (2024). Cards for Entrepreneurship: Playful Entrepreneurship Education by Using Serious Gaming. (full paper)
  • Freese, M., Zürn, B., & Lukosch, H. (2024). Facilitator of the Future - Influence of Immersive Technologies on the Facilitation of Simulation Games. (workshop)
  • Freese, M. & Zürn, B. (2024). Revolutionizing Simulation Games? Playful Brainstorming on Enhancing Analogue Games with Immersive Technologies. (workshop)


24_diamond_märz24_730x35012.-13. März 2024 | Stuttgart

Meilensteintreffen des DIAMOND Projekts 

Auf dem Meilensteintreffen des Projektes DIAMOND wurden die von den Mitarbeitern des PSA mit modellierten Informationsmodelle für das durchgängige Engineering von Produktionssystemen vorgestellt und diskutiert. 

Die Arbeiten sind eingebettet in die Initiative "Digitaler Zwilling als Schlüsseltechnologie der Industrie 4.0" der Industrial Digital Twin Association e.V. (IDTA) und zielen mit der Asset Administration Shell (AAS) / Verwaltungsschale darauf ab, die Technologie für jedes Unternehmen zu öffnen und Industriestandards zu setzen.

Im Fokus der Arbeiten der Magdeburger Forscher steht die Entwicklung der Standardisierung der Struktur von Engineering-Daten für den verlustfreien Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Tool-Systemen im Engineering.



Hier waren wir in den vergangenen Jahren unterwegs!  Symbol für externen link - Kostenlose schnittstelle Icons

Letzte Änderung: 05.04.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster